In order to have a meaningful discussion about anything, it is necessary to properly understand the meaning of the words being used:

Believer or Follower

A person who has placed their trust in Jesus to redeem them, and lives their life following his teaching and example.

Bride or Church

The collection of all followers of Jesus of all time.


A change of heart and mind, leading to a change in actions, which is brought about by understanding something differently, after thinking it over, especially in light of new information or perspective.


In its original form sin is an archery term and simply means to miss the mark. When applied to Bible texts, it means to miss the mark of God's perfect standard. Additionally there are two forms: commission and omission. Sins of commission are doing things that ought not to be done, and sins of omission are not doing the things that ought to be done.


A person who has missed the mark of God's perfect standard.


The Word of God. The Bible.